Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Month into Motherhood

Well I'm not doing a good job of keeping up with this.  Partially because I don't get on the computer anymore much at night and usually it's blocked at my job...though today I found it to be unblocked and here we go.  (don't worry I'm not avoiding teaching- it's a parent/teacher day)
Improvements since last post:   Sleep habits are improving some.  We have now how almost full nights of sleep and Boy has slept in bed most of the time.   Both kids are behaving better for longer spurts and I'm enjoying having them around.   We took a trip to the KC Ren Fest and it was very successful.  Girl screamed all the way up, but we survived and overall they were very well behaved.  It helped that there were 4 adults also.   After the Ren Fest we took them to the Trex restaurant because Boy is really into dinosaurs right now.  That was a lot of fun.  We go every year to both, but it was different to have kids.  We got to see things through fresh eyes.   Boy is asking for things more instead of whining and really both kids fits/tantrums have decreased.   This week has been nice because of P/T conferences, they have had sitters this week and are getting to bed at a decent time.
I know that getting to my schedule is probably rough and every once in a while it really hits me that we are ALWAYS on the go.   Poor kids.
Things I'm still struggling with.  Girl still bites and bit 3 kids yesterday (she also got bit).  It's become less often and she did have a crap load of shots the day before (both kids were really behind in shots).  I wish I knew how to stop the biting.   Boy still pushes/hits/pinches - especially at church.  Last sunday he pushed another child and she bit her lip.   71/2 years at the job and no accidents till now.  very frustrating.  Yesterday he bit someone also.   I hope they don't get kicked out of daycare.   I really like the daycare they are going to.
Really the few times they get like this and nighttime is the only time we are still struggling.  I have seen huge improvements in the last month (it was a month yesterday).  People always ask me how I'm doing but other than night time, it's really not been to different.  I still get up about the same time, I go to bed earlier and eat better.  It takes a little longer to get in and out of the car, but that's about it. I'm still doing everything almost that I was before.