Baby J has so many different facial expressions and laughs that she keeps everyone on their toes. She is still a massive climber and climbs things that I'm not sure how she isn't falling off. She loves being at rehearsal most nights and playing with the kids and has really started to dance when she hears music. She is still singing often too. Sometimes she helps me yell at the kids too.
In the past month she has also started to 'help' me...for instance she loves to help unload the dishwasher--she hands me the silverware. I tried to let her hand me a small plate, but she fell backwards and that broke. Her balance has been a little crazy lately. She still loves the animals and is very excited to see the kitties when they come over. For a couple weeks everything was a 'puppy' until she learned what it was. She still loves to say puppy and find them in pictures, around her, and sometimes she is just saying it. She has started to do the motions for Itsy Bitsy Spider and it is the most adorable thing ever.
This past week Baby J started at a daycare facility. She survived the week. Each day they said she ate well and she actually napped- that was my biggest concerns. She cries in the morning when I drop her off, but they tell me she stops pretty fast. Usually she is playing and seems happy when I pick her up. They said she has done a good job overall transitioning. She talks a lot after daycare so I figure it must be going pretty good. I enjoy the shorter drive and it has helped immensely.
Poor Baby J is having a hard time sleeping the last week. She is teething again and has come down with a cold. I hope she feels better quickly. Thankfully my parents have watched her some so she doesn't have to keep the same busy schedule i have.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some of the things that she has accomplished this month, she is so much fun and most of the time is the best baby ever. Bedtime isn't fun and while she's not feeling good, but that's about it. Hopefully we will make it the next two weeks and then the show is over. Yea!