Each month seems to be flying by faster and faster. I can't believe how fast Baby J is growing and learning. Each day brings some new fun personality aspect.

Finally after being given inhalers, we have been able to keep the sickness away better from Baby J. We have not been to the doctor for illness since the beginning of February. Hopefully this will continue. We also went to the endocrinologist and she was diagnosed with benign premature puberty...Basically that means nothing is wrong with her as far as bigger breasts or currently hormones.

Over the past month we have been busy trying to get our vehicle running, going to rehearsals and enjoying the overly nice 'winter' weather. We've had several trips to the zoo and also to go swimming at the Y. Baby J loves to swim and is now jumping in some and going underwater on purpose (not just when Mom lets her go under). I try to do something fun with her on the weekend since we are so busy during the week with my job.
Baby J is getting more outgoing and is finally playing some nights with the high school students. She is also starting to talk more at daycare and to family. She loves to say bye to everyone and everything. When she is comfortable and feeling well, she talks nonstop. She is finally starting to get more teeth and I think finally starting to put on weight. At the specialist a couple weeks ago she was back down to 19.5lbs. We can't seem to stay above 20lbs. However she eats constantly so I know she isn't starving.

Baby J loves to help and throws trash away, helps unload dishwasher, and closes doors. She overall follows directions pretty well. She loves reading books- especially Wheels on the Bus- which she can do all the actions too. It is so cute. She is singing more and more. She has also started to get attached to certain toys/blankets. Baby J learns very fast and is adding vocabulary so quickly. She repeats most of what I say and can do so pretty well. You can actually understand a lot of her jabber now. She can not do an F sound though so frog is
"og" adn sometimes 'rog'. There is one other letter she doesn't do well but I can't remember it. She is so much fun watching in the tub too. She practices her swimming and blowing bubbles. Currently Baby J's favorite food is mexican. Especially salsa. I'm pretty sure she is ready to start potty training, but I'm really trying to push that off till summer.
It's hard to believe that she will be two soon. I love having She does make going back to work in the evenings a little harder- even though she comes with me. I'm glad she's starting to have fun some of the nights and not be so clingy. I can't wait till summer when I have more time to spend with her.