Monday, April 10, 2017

Happy 22 Months!

Happy 22 Months Baby J --a few days late
Where is my baby girl going?   She is so much fun...well when she isn't throwing a tantrum.  She now copies the end of all my sentences, so I have a little echo all the time.  She is talking more and more independently and has started to interact so much more with the high school kids.   I'm sad I haven't see her much this week because it's show week, but I am so thankful for my family who take her during show week.  It's easier for me to direct and easier on Baby J.  She now doesn't always come to me immediately which is the biggest change.  Last week on my parents scale she weighed 23lbs so we have finally broken the 20lb mark and I think have stayed above it.  The other exciting thing is that we have not been back to the doctor since early
February.   She hasn't felt 100% all the time, but so far nothing that warrents a trip to the doctor...though I do know she has been suffering from allergies.  I really think the Young Living Essential Oils are making a difference in our household (feel free to ask about more information about those---as I'm finding all sorts of uses for them)  Oh and we now have 10 teeth and are moving up to 18 month clothing (So really anything new needs to be 2t)  12 month still fits, but it is getting short and a little harder to put some on--so I'm starting to pull it out.

We have gone to the zoo, a wedding, spent time with cousins, and had lots of fun in the past month.  She turned in a 100 book sheet to the library this weekend and got a bag and checked out her first library books.  She also started 'tumbling' and had her 2nd overnight away from me.  This time she stayed with my cousins.   Baby J now uses people's names more and interacts a lot better.  I'm pretty sure she has a crush on my cousin's's very hilarious.

Oh and we got her a new life jacket - it's thinner and more even all around--technically she shouldn't have it.....but she loves it and was almost swimming independently last time...she got mad when I took it off actually.  She is CRAZY in water.

While everything is not always peachy, overall I'm extremely blessed.  We have been dealing with more sensory issues and some real angry episodes that suddenly pop up...but  she is almost a two year old also.  Night time is still sometimes no fun either.  When she goes in for her two year old check up we will be discussing her foot again---it's starting to trip her a lot and perhaps the sensory issues and allergies.
I will be so happy when summer is here and I can spend more time with her.   I know there was more I was going to say...but I'm so enjoy the pictures.