I can't even begin to explain how blessed I am by this little girl, Baby J. She is now 2yrs & 5months and everyday is a surprise. I am amazed at how much she is growing up. I don't think she feels that she is learning fast enough and constantly asks "what is that?" and rarely does she ask twice about the same thing. She loves to learn. She is back to loving books and even sleeps with them. I'm always impressed how quickly she remembers much of a book and I can now often find her reading on her own. I love that. There are many things that haven't changed much- she still enjoys the water and is now even able to swim a few feet on her own. She spends more time under water than above. Still talking in complete sentences---but now she always does and is starting to talk to others. My favorite is when she gives me random hugs and tells me she loves me. Today she started using You're welcome which surprised me...though I don't know why it did.

Baby J is still the most polite 2yr old I've ever met. She uses thank you and please constantly and asks for help. It's so cute to hear "please help me" Every day she asks about horses and riding them- I wish there were more opportunities for her to ride, but she is still to young

Currently one of her favorite activities is looking at pictures, especially on my phone and of her. Everyday she points out the people in the pictures on our wall. Especially the tiny tiny baby pictures of her. She is also singing on her own more-her most popular choice being 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed. Most of the time she tells me when I sing "No momma, no sing" Apparently I'm just not up to her standards.
Rehearsals have become easier and most of the time she does well at them up till the end. I feel so bad because I know she is up later than she should be, but it's my job. She is playing and talking to the kids more this year than before--and I think may
talk to them more than she does at daycare. Now she even asks if
we are going to rehearsal. Though she climbs on everything when there. This child has no fear. Funny enough our early childhood person noted her safety awareness is low...I laughed. Yes she is 2, but she doesn't have any fear which at times does worry me.

Daycare has gotten easier too. She has even moved up a classroom, though I think she misses her friends in the other class (which she still spends some time in). We no longer have tantrums when she is dropped off or picked up. She loves going to her class and playing with her friends. In the past couple months she has finally started to talk at daycare too. About a month ago, one of the afternoon teachers said J stated "mommy is at work and will be back to get me" and that it was the first time she'd heard such a long sentence from her...which I found weird since I hear them all the time. I'm glad she is finally starting to feel comfortable enough to talk there.

It's not always peachy, she is 2 and can throw quite the tantrum---especially when she is tired or not getting her way, or someone looked at her wrong. Those moments I can do without, but they are part of her learning to express herself and usually we can get them under control when she is reminded to communicate===we have less tantrums now that she communicates so well. Baby J is no longer clingy all the time and while she gets that way as bedtime approaches, I can now do things without her attached to me...in fact tonight for the first time ever---I could freely move around the auditorium and theatre areas while she watched a video. Her favorite place is still next to me and touching me, but it's not always a have to be there. She can be quite bossy which I find funny---though it's pretty polite when she is. She likes to yell at the kids after me. Thankfully they find it funny too. I know they wish she would interact with them more.
I'm so lucky that she is doing so well and is such an awesome kid. Yes there are moments where I go insane like any parent, but I am soooooo very blessed. i have the most adorable baby girl ever and she is worth every tough day where i wonder if we will survive financially, mentally, and sometimes physically. I wouldn't trade my moments with her for anything. I'm so excited each day to find the ways she has grown that day, and it always amazes me.