In case you were not aware, I have the most polite, bright, funny, and crazy little 2yr old. (well 2yr 9months old) I don't write as much on this blog as I used to but know there are people who still like to know about baby J---who is definitely not a baby anymore. The past couple months have been crazy.

Last month was the scariest it's gotten with Baby J since she and I were matched. After last year and being at the doctor pretty much every other week, I was so impressed we had made it through the Winter with only one visit, but then I opened my mouth about it being a year since we had been sick and things quickly took a turn. In hindsight it was much worse than I realized at the time. A cough is not unusual with my daughter because of her asthma, but suddenly one Sunday you could tell she was very sick. Monday I stayed home and Tuesday my parents kept her home. She had stopped eating and by Tuesday wasn't drinking hardly anything. Something moved me to call home one last time as school was ending and I decided to call the doctor again- we had gone on Monday and was told she was fine.

Thankfully they had us come in and as we drove to the doctor's office, I could literally see my daughter get worse. She was dozing off in the car and was extremely lethargic. Unless she is extremely tired, my kid does not just randomly fall asleep EVER. and rarely does she sleep in the car even. The PA did not like what she was seeing and we were sent to the hospital for a direct admit. We still had to go through the emergency room and it was full of sick kids and you could see the germs in the air. At 2:00am that night x rays were taken and we were moved to the PICU from Pediatric wing where Baby J was put on high flow oxygen. The next day we were told she had RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). RSV is common in preemies and we have been so lucky we haven't been in with it prior to this. Overall the care we received was good (minus a doctor), but we weren't seeing any change and J had to have a feeding tube put in. While we saw a few improvements during the weekend, she really hadn't improved much, but the PICU was ready to get
My daughter loves Art |
us moved. The pediatric doctor came in and decided because of the x rays they had done earlier in the week and the fact that J was complaining of a stomach ache to treat her for bacterial pneumonia as well. Thankfully within 12 hours we were seeing huge improvements. And while she wasn't 100%, she was sent home on Monday night. Looking back, I realize that we actually probably almost lost her on the Tuesday night. I don't know what prompted me to recall the doctor- I avoid them as much as possible and we had just gone, but I'm so glad we did. I'm also sooooo thankful for family and friends that came to visit or sent words of love. MY parents were awesome and kept J home another week before she went back into Toddler germ world.
She loves the zoo! |
It's amazing to watch J as she is learning so fast these days. She talks NONSTOP...seriously. While she doesn't always talk in public, her vocabulary and understanding is further than I ever though a 2yr old could be. "Snow is Beautiful" "Thank you for having me" "Please help me" "I love you, Mommy"

are some things I hear. And then there are things like "A cow goes donkey donk" Yes she does know what a cow says. Silly girl. She is so polite and always says thank you and you're welcome. She can now count to ten and does so constantly. She can do most of her alphabet, sing many songs, and can do most anything herself--whether I want her to or not. We have conversations. She can also swim on her own- and this past week started
jumping off the wall and bringing herself to the top...she also has started to jump off many other very unsafe things---we are still working on safety. Still in love with horses and animals and books.
While there are days and moments when she drives me insane, I love this little girl. She is a kind, polite, loving little girl and I get hugs and kisses from her every day. Someday I know she won't be as affectionate as she is now so I won't take it for granted.