Well I officially have a 3 year old. Baby J is definitely no longer a baby. A 3yr old that spent two months planning her party---which we had last Sunday. She is turning into a caring, loving, and smart little girl. We are blessed daily by her happy mood and loving nature. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about how lucky I am. Not only am I lucky to be her mother, but for being born with such a rough start she is still extremely healthy and happy. J is still as active as she was the day I met her, she
never stops moving or talking now. She loves to sing, loves animals of all kinds, and is happiest in the water. I get daily and hourly hugs and kisses and my favorite moments are were she suddenly leans into me and says "I love you"

Overall J is a very happy child, always wanting to explore and try new things. She still has NO fear and climbs everything. She is still possessed with horses, plays with every kitty and pets every dog she sees. She is still a little clingy, but she is quite the independent child when she wants to be. She is almost always singing and if you catch her in a bathroom or a place that echos, she will sing at the top of her lungs...or just give her a microphone and she will do the same. Miss J is the most polite toddler I've ever met. She uses her please and thank you's well and often will end the day thanking me for taking her somewhere or letting her do something. She always talks in complete sentences and although her speech has

become a little muddled lately- she can use big words better than many of my students. It amazes me how much J loves the water. She jumps in and swims about 10 feet really well, and if she could figure out how to get her head up to breath she would make it further (and does when we put on floatation support). I make her swim for awhile without a vest and then she puts it on and is all over the place. Lately she has been trying to do summersaults in the pool. Last week she had her first swimming lesson and while she struggles to stay near the wall (she just loves the water so much) she did very well. Of course she can already do the skills they are teaching her. Although her tv watching is still limited (and very sheltered), she loves Puppy Pals, Little Einsteins, and Mickey Mouse. There are very few other characters she knows because we do limit her tv. J has also gotten more interested in her baby dolls or anything she can stick a diaper on. A couple dolls and stuffed animals have now gone out with us. Most of the time she is a very good mommy to them.

Seeing life though the eyes of a toddler reminds you of all the good things in the world. This child is the very definition of a learning sponge and takes in so much of the world and always wants more. She loves books and reading and crafty things, but equally loves being outdoors. If you ask her, what ever she is doing at the moment or whoever she is with is her favorite in the whole world (though momma is always top of that at all times). While she drives me insane sometimes, she makes me laugh daily and I still think she may be the most adorable thing ever.
We have had lots of adventures over the last few months and I'm looking forward to many more.

As of Tuesday- she made it to 30lbs 3 oz and was still 37inch tall (according to the scales at the orthopedic doctor). For a baby that started at just over 1lb and had ever strike it seems against her, we have been so lucky with everything, but especially health. Since our hospital stay in February, J has been pretty healthy- except for a bought of Strep throat, everything else has been allergy related for the most part. We did discover that she wasn't hearing well, but will be getting tubes in a couple weeks and hope that will solve all of that (which is also why we are pretty sure she sounds more muddled lately). She also has been complaining that her back hurts so we are following through with checking that up since it's been going on since being released from the hospital in February. Night time is a little bit of a nightmare still, because seriously this child doesn't sleep. She still doesn't randomly fall asleep like most kids her age and it is usually a two hour process to get her to sleep, so there are moments in the day where it's a little harder to be grateful- but I wouldn't trade her for the world. She moved into a big girl bed this week and once she is asleep, does really well in it. She still has to hold my hand to go to sleep, which is both frustrating and the cutest thing ever. And she stopped suddenly asking for her cup a couple weeks ago so that wasn't a big fight to not have it in bed--except one night, but I just told her she couldn't have it in the big girl bed. It's so nice to have a child that stops things on her own- gave up her pacifier at 7months, bottle at 12 months, started sort of potty training on her own at just over 2 yrs. We are still working on potty training, and for the most part she does stay dry, but BM are an iss
ue and she doesn't seem to know she is going which is why we stopped trying to hard during the school year. I'm hoping we conquer it this summer.

Last month J was evaluated for 3yr old preschool. She was way ahead in most areas, except cognitive---colors, sorting, knowing her alphabet---all things that are taught. Part of the reason she didn't do as well is because she wouldn't do things for them- like saying the alphabet, which she knows. However, we are going to work hard on colors and matching this summer and some other things we just haven't really focused on as much as we probably should have.
I can't believe how much Miss J has grown and what a wonderful little girl she is. Having a toddler is a constant reflection of myself and it's interesting to see. Despite being adopted, J is so much like me in so many ways. I am so lucky to be her mom, and I look forward to continuing to see her grow into the person she will be.