Friday, November 2, 2018

The Tragicomedy of Potty Training

Currently my cutie is eating ice cream...which is all she needs after a week of trick or treating.  However she deserves it.
Last August, J got on a potty and wanted to start using it.  I though she was going to potty train like she did everything else- quickly and basically on her own.  She dropped a pacifier around 6 months, we switched away from a bottle at 1yr.....I was hoping Potty training would be the same.   Sadly it has not been.  Here we are a little over a year later and school started and people made us feel bad for not being potty trained, which is ridiculous because every child is different and I wasn't to worried.  
But unfortunately with that came anxiety about daycare for my little one and I was at a loss as what to do.   She was mostly staying dry at daycare, just couldn't get the whole pooing thing down.  Well about 2.5 weeks ago she suddenly started using the potty.   Two weeks ago tomorrow was the last time she had a poopy accident.  And actually since then she only had two accidents.  The reason for the ice cream---it's been one week of complete no accidents dry.  Including night time!!!!
In other news she throws tantrums about daycare and it saddens me, but over all she's doing so well.   Uses such big words, is finally interacting well and a lot with others.  We went to the doctor and she has grown another Inch since June and finally made it over 30lbs.   Thank goodness she is still smaller though cause she wants to be held a lot lately.  
J still loves horses, singing, and reading.   She is still learning every day and I love watching it.