Baby J is officially 4months old today (4 weeks, 3 days adjusted) and doing fabulous.
She weighs 7 lbs 8oz, is now 20.5 inches long and her head is 35cm. She is growing tall very quickly.
Today we had our 4 month checkup and got lots of shots which is no fun. Poor baby was probably having flashbacks to her time in NICU. She did pretty good, but I did have to give her some pain meds later in the day.

At 4 months, baby J can roll from tummy to back very well. She can lift her head quite high, loves music, being held in a sitting position, and can almost sit assisted...sometimes. She is also starting to smile more. We are still in newborn clothing, but will be moving up soon due to length...maybe

We have finally started to get eating/pooing problems under control so she is a much happier baby most of the time. She is still sleeping a lot...but is starting to be awake and playing more. The doctor wasn't very happy that she hasn't done as well gaining weight in the last two weeks so we are going to change the way we make her formula and hopefully that will help.
My early childhood person came today as well and as luck would have it, it is someone I went to college with. She was very happy with what she saw in Baby J today and again we made the plan for it to basically be a monitoring situation. Though we set goals for the next six months to be rolling more and sitting up on her own.

We have had a busy few days and my exhaustion level has increased between dogs, job, and baby...though I have to state..baby really isn't adding much to what I normally feel around this time. I'm working 50+ hrs a week...however I want to stay home more than I've ever wanted....Another month and I will be home for a couple months a little more. She is doing really well at rehearsals and the kids really enjoy her.
The other day we went to the Renaissance Faire. Baby J had her picture taken with the reigning royalty....Henry the VIII and Ann Boleyn. She slept through most of the day...it was her first outing with my friends and their baby. Actually it was her first big outing. She didn't even care when we were in the petting area. ha ha.
Today I got my letter with our court date for the adoption finalization!!!! It's the first part of November!!! YIPPEE!!! I'm very excited for that to happen...
In other news- I'm still really liking my new job. There are a few hiccups with the additional task of Auditorium Manager that I hope to get kinked out soon. Had a long talk with the Asst. Principal tonight...so far I really really like him..he's a great AP. He's doing my eval this past week in my most difficult class...my choice...lol. Other big news is that a couple is interested in renting to own my house. The inspection is this next week and that makes me nervous..but we have signed papers and they are wanting to move in soon. I need to completely move out...but have lost my shed keys...oops. Please pray this comes through.....as I'm kind of struggling with two residences. They plan to rent for two years and then buying unless they can get some stuff taken care of early. I know Rent to own is not the best option...but it's better than none.
I can't believe that I've been a mom for 4 months now. I love it and can't wait till to watch her grow into the fabulous little lady I know she will be.
A comparison from right before she got out of the hospital and today...same outfit |
Here are some more fabulous pics, including a couple of my puppies who got groomed this week thanks to a fabulous cousin....Herbie also felt the need to try out my picture set up for Baby J.

mid spit up..you are welcome! |