Sunday, February 7, 2016

Baby J is 8 Months!

Baby J is 8 months old today which means 5 months adjusted.  Nothing is new.   She really has the back to tummy roll down...but still hasn't quite figured out that she can get places by rolling.  For the most part she is a very happy baby.  So far the only food she doesn't like is pears, apples, and oatmeal baby cereal.   She is eating about half a jar each time she eats solid food.  We are still working on sitting on our own, but today she did for about 20 seconds before falling over.  She does pretty well on non flat surfaces.  Hopefully she will get the knack of that soon.
We've started rehearsals again and she's now doing better with the kids than she did at auditions.  I was a little worried, but she likes the attention to much.   About 9pm she gets real tired and starts jabbering away to keep awake.  I swear she was singing the other day after a singing rehearsal.   Oh and we are now weeding out the 0-3 size clothing.   A few pieces fit but not much.  It's time to move on up to 3-6 months.  :-)  Sadly this out fit is one that should go.

This month we went to the Art Museum, went swimming, and even attended our first Superbowl party.

Bad picture- but she is sitting on her own.

Can sort of sit up with the seatbelt!
First time in the shopping cart seat!

Art Museum with Friends
Art Museum w/ our friend

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