It's hard to believe that Baby J is now 11 months old. This past month has been extremely busy with my first musical at my new job and that was an experience and a half doing it with a clingy baby. Thankfully my family really helped out during show week and I'm so lucky she can come to rehearsals with me. I have no idea how big Baby J is, but am guessing right around 16 - 17lbs. She hasn't grown a whole lot in the past month physically. She still wears some 3-6 month clothing - though we are definitely getting closer to removing all of those. 6 month clothing is a little big for the most part, but we did move up to size 3 diapers this month!

Baby J has changed so much in the last month. She's still a very happy girl most of the time and can now make her way around pretty much anything. She can crawl really well, sits up on her own from laying down, and pulls her self up constantly. In fact she would much rather stand and has even started to really let go more often now. She falls still, but she is trying. She loves to 'walk' when you hold her hands. We have started to eat more real - non baby- food, even though we have no teeth STILL. That poor child has been teething since December and nothing has come through.

She loves the water also. We have been swimming several times in the past couple weeks and she really enjoys the water. She splashes everything and is learning to lay on her back. She can stand by the stairs and loves to hold onto the railing and go backwards- often letting go on purpose. The water doesn't bother her at all. Actually she is not scared of anything.

The other thing we have done a lot lately is go to the zoo. We have been to the Sedgwick County zoo and today visited Tangyinika zoo. She stays awake for it all. Today she got to pet several animals. Even the alpacas and goats who get in her face don't bother her. She thinks they are funny. Today she fed birds, a giraffe, turtles, giunia pigs, goats and alpacas.
Baby J laughs all the time now. Especially when she thinks she is getting away with something. She also laughs at the dogs a lot. I'm not sure why but she has found Herbie extremely funny lately. She also likes to 'sing', 'talk' (she is getting a lot more sounds), and read books. She is a busy little girl and plays all day and would much rather be on the floor than being confined to anything. This month she even starred in a 'film' for Shakespeare in the Park and is set to be the face of the new Hospital care line fundraiser pic.
My house is a disaster, my life is crazy busy, and I feel like I don't get much sleep, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm so lucky to have Baby J and she is such a smart, adorable, fun little girl. I love watching her grow and learn new things. I can't wait till we get to actually spend quality time together this summer.
On May 11- she weighed in at 16lb 10oz!!