It is officially summer time (though the weather doesn't seem to think so). I have completed successfully not only my first year at my new job, but my first year working full time and being a mom.!! A year has passed and so much has happened. A new job, a new place to live, and a beautiful little baby (who will be one in two weeks!!!!!)
Overall I am so happy with my new job. There were some bumps throughout the year, but hopefully they will not be there next year. And honestly I'm not usually one to brag or highlight anything I've done, but I'm quite proud of myself. After school started, I moved and welcomed home a tiny little baby girl. Life has not slowed down and while there were a couple breakdowns over the course of the year- mostly work related- I survived and baby girl is doing well.

Thankfully I have an awesome family who helped out on during the evening conflicts I couldn't get out of or take baby girl too. I'm so thankful for my brother, my aunt, and my parents. And I'm really thankful that my mother was able to watch Baby J this year so that she didn't have to be in a daycare. While we still got sick some, it was never severe and overall she was pretty darn healthy. Also Baby J has come so far and I know a large part of that was getting individual care instead of being thrown into a daycare. I'm all for daycare and preschool, but I also know as a newborn and small baby there isn't the one on one interaction all the time that they probably need. Sadly I will be looking for daycare in the fall (so feel free to send cheap fabulous suggestions my way) because my mother is taking care of some health issues and can not watch her.
I'm looking forward to this summer and getting to spend time with Baby J. We've already been so busy this past month---I think she's been to a zoo like 3 times in the past few weeks. Thanks everyone for your continued support and good thoughts.

Update on Baby J- Still no teeth, but she is teething like crazy...driving us all crazy. She loves music and tries to sing---often sings herself to sleep. She has started to stand on her own---especially when she's not paying attention to the fact that she is doing it. She loves to walk with support and is requiring less support each day. It won't be long. She has
definitely found her voice and most days it's only one volume----loud. Overall still a happy little girl who gets into everything. At her doctors appointment 2 weeks ago she weighed 15lbs 11 oz, so she is probably around 16lbs...maybe a little more. I have officially removed all 3-6 month clothing---not because she can't fit in any of it--but because it's time to move up...haha. Actually she still fits in a few things that are 3-6month. She is still very much in 6 month clothing and 9 month is kind of big on her. She also loves swimming- we have been several times and water is fun for her.
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