Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Baby J's 3rd state and some other firsts!

Traveling with baby J usually isn't a big deal.  The biggest problem she has given us is she gets louder as she eats more at restaurants---but it's always happy loudness.  However we have just returned from a quick trip to Denver.   During the trip she was so unhappy and fussy.   Part of it was that she was in a car seat for so many days and she does NOT like being tied down.   However as we reentered Kansas, we figured out the altitude probably played a big part in her fussiness.  She is also teething still, we are finally starting to possibly see a tooth coming in.    Baby J got to meet her first family on my dad's side- her Great Grandparents.  I'm glad she got the opportunity.  We also took her to the Denver zoo and that was fun.  Someday we will take her to the mountains....it's always a little frustrating to go to Denver and not get to go into the mountains...but there is no way we could have with the baby.  She also had her first mini train ride at the zoo.

While she still is not walking without assistance she is getting so much closer.  She almost did it several times over the week, especially when we put her on the grass.  Baby J is not a fan of the grass.  It's quite funny watching her on the grass.    That may be the key to getting her to walk.  HAHA.    Every once in a while she will take one step and then realize what she is doing and sit down and laugh.  Silly baby.

Baby J and I went to her NICU followup appointment the day before leaving for Denver.  She was 17lbs 11 oz (with clothes on).  They were so impressed with her and did their development testing.  She tested at 12.5months - normally preemies are given 2 years to catch up and she has done it in 1.  YEA!!!!    This doesn't mean we are completely clear, but so far she's doing well.   We still meet with early development about once a month to keep her observed since she automatically qualifies for it, just in case something comes up.    We will go back to the NICU in another six months.

This is baby J with a doll that is made up to the size
of her birth weight/length/head circumference
In the past couple of weeks Baby J also got to experience her first lake time.  She loved it and had a lot of fun.  Our friends had a double tube and she loved playing in that on the water.   Even got her not to drink the water.   She really loves the water.

We have also been trying a lot of new foods- including a bite of peanut butter and also milk.  Not sure yet, but the milk is not going so well.  She likes it, but she often spits up after it and her diapers have become kind of nasty.   Going to have to keep an eye on that.

I love having time with the baby J and am so sad the summer is half over almost.   I am going to go visit my first daycare option.   Daycare is way to expensive.  No matter where I choose it's going to cost a VERY large portion of my income.  :-(    Hopefully this one might work as it's close to work and not quite as high as other ones.  I would love an actual daycare knowing they usually come with a very strict curriculum and rules....but I can't afford those.    So keep us in your good thoughts that we will find a perfect and affordable fit for childcare and quickly so I don't spend the rest of the summer stressing.

Tomorrow will hopefully (if the weather is good) be baby J's first outdoor pool experience.  I love being able to give her first experiences and watching her learn new things.  

Friday, June 10, 2016

One Year Down!!

I'm a little late in writing this post.   We have been keeping busy.   Baby J turned the big number 1 the other day!  How did that happen so quickly.    She has her one year visit on Monday so at that point I will know how big she has gotten, but I'm assuming she's 17lbs and some ounces.  Baby J stands on her own, is getting close to being able to climb anything, and can now walk with one hand assistance.  She can actually walk quite well in the pool, but hasn't braved the non pool surfaces.    The early childhood development person we meet with is really impressed with her and says she is doing well.  She has more consonants than she expected.   I lied the last post and haven't really gotten rid of the 3-6 month clothes.  LOL all her pictures from her birthday are in 3-6 month clothes.  We are starting to move up though.  oh and we still have no teeth.  :-(
It's amazing how fast life can change.  A year ago, I had no idea that in less than a week I would be a mom to a 27 week gestation preemie who was on the verge of death.   We have been so blessed, as since the day I met her, Baby J started to improve and really hasn't looked back.  As a reminder when I met Baby J, she was on the highest ventilator, had a collapsed lung, an open PDA, Grade 3 bilateral brain bleeds, anemic, and couldn't keep her blood gases correctly.  Since leaving the hospital the only thing we have dealt with is acid reflux and a couple rounds of mild bronchiolitis.   I'm pretty sure she does suffer from some outdoor allergies as well, but not enough to worry about it at this point.   
I know I've been really lucky too, because I FAIL as a preemie mom.   If you ever research preemies, everything and everyone says 'keep them inside and away from everyone", I have not been able to do that.  Within the first month of being home, Baby J had been to 2 family parties, on an out of state trip, and started to go with me to be around a bunch of high school students.  We rarely are home for an entire day.  Hopefully that will help her combat illness in the fall.  I love being a mom, and I feel like Baby J and I were meant to be together.  She is a happy little girl almost all the time, loves laughing and playing.   We have been having a lot of fun this summer.   We went on a trip to see her cousins and a hot air balloon festival.  We have also spent several evenings at the pool (indoor).  Baby J loves to swim.  She has even tried going between two people and is doing much better on keeping her mouth closed.  She loves walking around in the pool.  We also had her bday party where she smashed her cake completely and made a huge mess.  She showed interest in all her presents and let people pass her around.   I know 1st birthday parties are weird and don't seem like a big deal, but for us it was.  She has lived a year and that is a big deal and I'm so thankful to friends and family that could make it out. 

I was going to write this blog with a bunch of deep thoughts and insight, but I'm having to much with baby to take the time to do that at this point.  I love having the summer (though don't love the heat) to spend time with her.  Thank you to everyone who has supported us in so many ways over the last year.   I'm so very blessed with Baby J.