Monday, July 18, 2016

Baby J is a Walker

Baby J is now a walking toddler.   She really started to walk last Wednesday, but life has been so busy I haven't written a blog.  It's so cute, because she is now choosing to walk almost all the time instead of crawling.

The past few days have been kind of rough.  I'm not sure if another tooth is trying to come through or she has an ear infection, but she has been very fussy.  Today though she is almost normal.   It makes taking her in public very hard.    Of course it could be me and not her, I haven't had much of a break from her this summer.  

Yesterday we went to Exploration Place- it was a new experience for her.  She liked the dinosaurs and the play area, but we didn't get to sit through the movie as she wouldn't stop screaming and a child screaming in a dome theatre is crazy.  

We've also spent lots of time swimming and some time with friends the past couple weeks.   We also went to visit my Great Aunt and Baby J played with her dogs--it was cute. Baby J still only has one tooth and we are really working on finding sippy cups that she can't chew through but will still drink from.   She has started to eat cheerios and even uses a snack container.   She's pretty happy about that.  I'm still working on getting her to get more food at mealtimes or she's going to really struggle at daycare.   I did find a daycare near my job and I hope it works out.  Daycare is SO expensive fyi.    Also in other news, Baby J and I will be moving in late September to a brand new duplex.  It's a little pricier, but its a 3 bedroom, 1 story with a garage.   It also has a tornado room which as we all know is awesome in Kansas.   And while it is definitely not where I want to end up permanently it will be nice for the next year or so because it puts me closer to my parents.  My mom is expecting to have some knee surgeries over the next year and while I'm not home often, hopefully I will be able to help out a little more if I'm closer.  

Summer is almost to an end and that saddens me.  I do enjoy spending time with baby J and watching her grow.   I'm so glad I have gotten to be around so far for her big milestones.

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