Whew time is flying by. It's the end of the summer and I'm so sad. I'm not quite ready to go back to my busy schedule, but I'm so lucky and blessed to have gotten to spend time with my baby all summer. She has come so far even in the past few months. On the 22nd when we had to go to the doctor to get a bug bite and ears checked she weighed in at 18.5 lbs. Over the past few weeks she has been really working on her walking and at home walks nearly everywhere. She's added more words to her vocabulary and can now say Momma, uh-oh, up, dog, and there have been a few others we swear she is saying.
In the big news this month, Baby J was dismissed from Rainbows (the local early childhood intervention/services). We decided that she was doing really well and if in the future I need her back in all I have to do is call. I still worry about what delays we may face, but they are really impressed she had so many words without being a steady walker yet.

Over the past couple weeks it's amazing the things that Baby J is doing now. We have new sounds, she has become a very good climber, and she is copying actions and sounds as well as understanding much of what we are saying and now follows simple instructions...or at least makes it obvious she understands and then refuses to. ha ha.

This summer has been filled with trips, hanging out with friends, and lots of swimming. Baby J is getting so good at swimming and loves the water (though not a huge fan of the sprinkler park. This past week, my 3 nephews (age 7 and two age 3) have stayed with us. It has been extremely crazy, messy and loud, but I have loved getting to spend time with them. Plus I think it was a huge help to prepare Josephine for daycare. They got up every morning at 6:30am (the time she will have to get up), she had to share toys and people, and she got to play with them. We did all types of stuff this last week. We went to a dinosaur event, swimming, a sprinkler park, the zoo, Chucky Cheese, and the movies. Baby J went to the new Ice Age with us. I'll miss the boys, especially since I'm not sure I can go down during the winter---Baby J always got sick after those trips.

Tomorrow Baby J starts daycare (and I go back to work Friday---though I will be spending time up there this week). I'm glad I found a daycare and I know it will be good for her, but I wish I could spend more time with her. I'm hoping she stays healthy to being around other kids. Please say a small prayer that she does well and this daycare is a good fit. It's a new home daycare and I think she will be loved on there. But it will be the first time that Baby J has been watched by someone other than family. And I will be heading into my 2nd year at my new school so I'm praying this year goes well.