at 2:30am New Year's eve! |
First, health wise she is doing very well. At her 2.5 checkup, they kept measuring her height as they weren't sure it was correct. In a 6 month period she had grown 3 inches. At that point she was 36.3 inches. She's a tall one. In the 6 month period though she had only gained 2lbs so her BMI right now is 3%. She's tall and skinny--though to those lugging her around she feels so much heavier. Other than her winter inhaler, we've been lucky and she's stayed pretty healthy so far. Of course the weather is warmer to this year. We did see an orthopedic surgeon who is going to monitor her hips. They are not completely turned in as far as they should be but thankfully he did another X-ray and determined it wasn't as bad as it first appeared. We go back in a few months to make sure there is progress.
J now repeats back books pretty well, tells stories (and is remembering events), and is no longer
parallel playing. It's been so much fun the last month watching her play with cousins and interacting more with people. Each night we go over her day and she tells me all about it. Her obsession with horses continues and is always part of the conversation. This year I understood a little more about what it was like to see Christmas through your child's eyes. She didn't really catch on to it until right before Christmas, but she had fun---especially after going light looking. Of course she was over spoiled and showered with gifts.
Baby J still loves to sing and now will sing into microphones which is adorable. Her vocabulary continues to expand and even though I know she talks well she still blows me away with all she says. The last few days she has participated in conversations by repeating them all as they are being said. We still read a lot, go swimming when we can, and visit with family and friends. We survived another musical, the holidays and this past week she survived her longest time away from me (3 nights and days) while I was at conference. Oh and this past month she decided to finally start counting so I could hear and does well till 10---but 8,9,10 comes after that ever time. It's cute. J is so curious and if she doesn't know what it is she asks. Tonight we watched a movie and she gave commentary the whole way through.
This girl has no fear! |
This little girl is so cute and I'm so lucky to have her. Don't get me wrong, she is a 2yr old and can very much be one. Nighttime is a nightmare and sometimes she throws huge tantrums. Lately we have had some big moments of not listening, but when she says I love you momma, my heart still melts. She has a strong, bossy personality--I can't imagine where she gets that from. she climbs on EVERYTHING and out of everything and has no fear (except being away from mom). But I'm so lucky to be able to watch this miracle baby grow into a fun loving, smart, polite little girl.
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