Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Flustered Thoughts

Today I found out the little girl that started me on this process is not going to her family members and she very well is up for adoption.  Now I'm not sure how to proceed or if I should proceed.   She's 9months, so selfishly I would love a little baby but there are so many unknowns with that.   I don't know.  I'm still waiting for my last inspection and for the paperwork to go through.
Tomorrow starts school with kids.  I'm not sure I'm ready for it to start.  Tonight I had so many things going through my head on the way back from rehearsal that I stressed myself out.   From school, to fostering, to rehearsals, to the musical, to all of sudden realizing a friends comments and lack of lately.   I am 100% positive that I want to go through with fostering/adopting especially since I figured out if I got a baby I'd be in my 50's when they graduate...ouch
However I have had a few...wow i'm busy- is this smart?  -  lots of teachers have kids though and I know it's the way to go.   I just need to remember to take things one day at a time and not to stress over things that will pass.   I'm sure part of it is first day nerves and they will pass after school starts.

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