Wednesday, October 9, 2013

While I'm waiting!!

Sent my entrance fee in and now it's really a long waiting game.  Ok so I hope it's not to long.   In the meantime  I have started this week the most fabulous and amazing volunteer job.   
As many people know, I lucked into a great daycare for the kids as I've been doing foster care.  I really like the staff there and thankfully they seem to be ok with me.  :-)
After talking to the director last week, I found out I could volunteer there.   So this week I started volunteering.  I am going in twice a week for a couple of hours to hold babies.   Yes I am going to go volunteer holding babies.  It's like a dream volunteer job.   :-))
I started today and I love it.  For me holding babies and playing with kids is a stress reducer.    
Hopefully my adoption stuff will happen quickly, but for now this is fun and fills my wanting to be around little ones.  

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