Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Baby J's NICU follow up!

Today was out NICU follow (ok rescheduled follow up that was supposed to happen a month ago).  Actually Baby J has advanced so much since last month, I'm glad it was pushed off.   My parents were kind enough to go with us and I took the day off so we could trek to Topeka.  Our NICU follow up included measurements, a visit from a PT and a visit from one of our NICU doctors.   We knew baby J was eating A LOT more lately, but we were kind of blown away by her measurements today.   My parents weighed
her January 18 at their doctors office at 11lbs  5 oz.  Well she has grown...Today she was 12 lbs 12.5 oz.  That's a big jump.   She is now 24.5 inches long and her head circumference was 41 cm.   One of the advantages of having a preemie is we do get weights and measurements a lot more than full term babies from all the doctors and other visits.  
The other thing that happened is they did two tests on Baby J to see how she was developing and both she was doing really really well on.  One was just measurements by her adjusted age and she passed all of them.  The other was in-between adjusted and actual age.  On all the markers she was at or very close to actual age.  I told Baby J she had to show off and not be a dud.....she is doing so much now.   And she did not disappoint.  She was so active while we were there and showing off.   We also saw our NICU social worker, our Nurse Practitioner, and a few nurses.   They were all so very happy to see her and said she looked so good.  She was in a good mood the entire time we were there.   While we were waiting we put her on a table and she figured out she could scoot around.  kind of an army crawl...but mostly
backward.  She loved that.  
I wish we could have seen more of her nurses but we hit lunch time/feeding time for their babies and it was pretty busy in the NICU.  I'm glad we got to see some people.  Everyone was so empresses by her.
We also stopped by the Ronald McDonald house.  I have always felt so bad I didn't get an opportunity to take her by when we were discharged..but it happened so late at night.  Thankfully someone we knew was there and we
visited today and also took some DVDs for their family room.

Poor Baby J was so very tired by the time we were done and was asleep within seconds of being in the car.   In fact I was the only one awake on the way back home.  I got to control the radio that way.  haha.  

In other aspects of Baby J's life....She has really figured out this rolling from tummy to back, but hasn't quite figured out she can keep rolling and get somewhere.  She is trying so hard to crawl...but will probably walk/run first.  She loves to stand and loves dancing.  She has sort of reached a stranger danger phase and is ok as long as she can see me.
She wasn't to sure about the kids last week at school...but I'm sure that will improve as we get back into rehearsals.  They did have her dancing and that was pretty cute.   She has been very vocal almost all of the time now.  She also loves her bouncer and enjoys spending time in that.   She is also slobbering like crazy so maybe a tooth is coming in soon.  Baby J LOVES food - except Pears.  Especially sweet potatoes.  We have almost made it all the way through the different level one foods.  She is so close to being able to sit unassisted, but still has some balance issues.  I don't think it will be long.   It's hard to believe she is almost 8 months.   Just two more weeks.   I love spending time with her and can't wait till this summer when I have more time.  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

We are rolling!

right after she rolled the first time from back to tummy!
Today Baby J finally made a huge gain.  She rolled from back to belly and more than once.   I'll be honest I was starting to worry a little bit which I shouldn't.  She is 7 months 1 week, but that makes her only about 4 months adjusted so I shouldn't worry.  She is actually doing very well.   In fact if you hold her hands she will take a few steps....I hope she crawls first...but we keep expecting her to just take off walking.   She loves to stand.  Baby J is very close to being able to sit on her own and can on laps and things that aren't flat.  It won't be long.
Yummy Carrots
We finally got over the bronchiolitis and thankfully she has stayed well.

Baby J is now eating like crazy and has added baby food into her diet.  So far we've had peas, green beans, squash, and carrots and of course cereal.   We tried before she got sick, but stopped and now have really started to try new foods.   I feel like all she does is eat now.   I'm anxious to see if she is making gains in her weight...she is due fir her synagis shot next weeks so I will find out then what her weight is.

She has also started to sleep less during the day.   Keeps us all busy playing.   I can't wait till summer when I can spend all day with her every day.  This next week we start a show so she will be back with the high school kids some in the evening.  I'm sure they and her will enjoy that (though she's been going to sleep about 8pm so it will be interesting to see if she changes her schedule much.)  She's growing so fast!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Baby J's First Holidays!

Our two week time is almost to an end.  I have loved getting to spend time with Baby J, I feel a little sorry for my Mom when she has to come back to babysit cause baby J has become a little bit of a momma's girl.   Our time together started out busy with an evening at a friends, Christmas shopping and then the holidays.   I took Baby J to Christmas eve service where she decided to participate in the majority of the service.  She thought everyone should know she was in the room.  I couldn't stop laughing.   Also discovered she is blowing raspberries which confused me at first because I know I am not teaching her that, Grandma is.  

I have loved watching her over the past two weeks.  She is growing each day and trying new things.  She talks all the time or kind of yells. Laughs a bunch, reaches and plays with all her toys.  She is starting to get favorite toys.  And although we have to have something under her she is now bouncing some in her bouncer.   Overall baby girl is a very happy little girl.   She's even started eating some foods (though we stopped during her sickness).  She eats cereal and has tried green beans and squash.  She loved squash but it seemed to make her a little more pukey...so we will wait and try it again later.  She is 10lb 12 oz now.

I moved her into her crib in her own room and she slept there for a
week.  But then her cold got bad and we moved back downstairs for the night time so she could sleep in her rock and play.  It's also where the air cleaner and humidifier are.   It has not been fun watching her be sick.  She had bronchiolitis and between that and the weather we have stayed inside most of the past week.   Had to visit the doctor a couple of times and a special clinic to get her suctioned out, but she is finally on the uphill.  Just wish that her sleep was more restful, but I'm glad I've been able to be with her while she is sick.

Having a little one for the holidays is so much more fun than being alone.   I love love love time with my family and wish we got together more, but there has been a sadness in me every time because they all have these lovely families.  I didn't feel that this year, since I have a beautiful daughter.   (I mean I still wish I weren't single, but whatever).   I'm so lucky to have her.

So as the New Year comes to a close I am so thankful for where the year has taken me and it's been huge changes.  I left a job with an abusive psychotic boss and found a place I really enjoy teaching.   I do miss my coworkers and former students but am enjoying my new coworkers and students.  I live in a different place which allows me to spend more time at home.   The best part of this year though was getting baby J.   I spent months in the NICU and got to bond with her before starting my new job and she has been overall a healthy little girl.  I have seen what prayer can do this year and how much support I have in the world.   This year may have started as one of my worst but it ended as the best year ever.   I'm so thankful for friends and family who continue to stick through the years with me especially during the down times.
First night in her crib..slept all night
Yummy squash
Always has to sit up or stand...she's trying so hard to sit up.
During 2016, I can't wait to see baby J grow and to watch her discover things.  She means the world to me and I hope each day I remember to give her the love and support she deserves.  She is a very special girl and I won't forget that.   I also plan to work towards being happy with what I have.  i know I'm blessed and lucky, but sometimes I become envious of others and that's ridiculous.   I need to love my life at all times.  I hope you all have a fabulous start to the new year.  I'm going to enjoy my last two days with Baby J before the craziness of work takes back a majority of my time.
Playing with the puppy