Saturday, January 16, 2016

We are rolling!

right after she rolled the first time from back to tummy!
Today Baby J finally made a huge gain.  She rolled from back to belly and more than once.   I'll be honest I was starting to worry a little bit which I shouldn't.  She is 7 months 1 week, but that makes her only about 4 months adjusted so I shouldn't worry.  She is actually doing very well.   In fact if you hold her hands she will take a few steps....I hope she crawls first...but we keep expecting her to just take off walking.   She loves to stand.  Baby J is very close to being able to sit on her own and can on laps and things that aren't flat.  It won't be long.
Yummy Carrots
We finally got over the bronchiolitis and thankfully she has stayed well.

Baby J is now eating like crazy and has added baby food into her diet.  So far we've had peas, green beans, squash, and carrots and of course cereal.   We tried before she got sick, but stopped and now have really started to try new foods.   I feel like all she does is eat now.   I'm anxious to see if she is making gains in her weight...she is due fir her synagis shot next weeks so I will find out then what her weight is.

She has also started to sleep less during the day.   Keeps us all busy playing.   I can't wait till summer when I can spend all day with her every day.  This next week we start a show so she will be back with the high school kids some in the evening.  I'm sure they and her will enjoy that (though she's been going to sleep about 8pm so it will be interesting to see if she changes her schedule much.)  She's growing so fast!

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