After visiting OK and my nephews again, poor Baby J came down with bronchiolitis AGAIN and had the start to an ear infection. We saw the doctor on call and this time she got a nebulizer and the breathing treatments really
helped her get over it much faster. There is still some cough now and then, but thankfully it all went through very fast. We will have to stop visiting there during the winter. :-(
Baby J now sits up completely on her own- though she hasn't quite got the laying to sitting position down yet. She is also now moving. She pulls herself along with her arms- not like an army crawl...she really pulls. She doesn't move extremely fast yet, but she can definitely get places. She can get up on her knees and knows they need to alternate, but hasn't quite figured it out yet. She will be quite the handful when she does figure it out. this girl NEVER stops moving.

Overall baby J is still a very happy baby. I've been very blessed with a well behaved social baby. She loves people. Yesterday at a bday party for my Grandpa, she was passed around all day and did so well. She gets a little fussy when she's tired and when her teeth really bother her. AT school sometimes the kids have her, but she does like me in her view...which is understandable since I'm not home during the day. She is a very good baby though.
A couple weeks ago we went to our first movie- Zootopia - she slept through most of it, but also went to the park and she got to swing for the first time. She loved that.
This week is spring break and I get to spend all week with her and I'm loving that. Today we took our first trip to the zoo. She stayed awake the whole time and watched everything. I was really surprised. I'm not sure how much she actually saw, but I know she at least was people watching. It was also only the second time we've spent a lot of time outside so that was nice. I was a little jealous of all the stroller clubs (moms who group together and do things) We are hoping to spend part of the week catching up with friends and part of the week reorganizing the apartment. I can't wait till summer break when I get to spend all summer with her....and only 3 more weeks of the show.

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