Friday, April 1, 2016

Baby J- She's moving fast!

sleeping at rehearsal
It's amazing how fast a little baby can grow.  Just a couple months ago I was starting to really worry as we didn't seem to be moving forward in development and now Baby J is moving right along.  Yesterday she got her last Synagis shot and Baby J weighed 15 lbs 9oz.   Sadly she was barely over the weight for one shot and had to get two shots.  She didn't even notice the poke, but once the liquid went in it hurt her some..she got over it quickly.

Just in the past couple weeks so much has changed.  This week she started crawling on her knees.   While she was moving anywhere she wanted she wasn't doing a typical crawl...she was kind of like an inchworm.   She'd pull her knees up but then go flat to move.  Now she crawls and is getting very fast.  She has also started to pull her self up on everything and tries to let go.   While she can't stand on her own, she sure tries.  She loves standing.   And has no fear.  She rolled off the couch for the first time and it didn't even phase her.   Now her favorite thing to do is to stand and try to walk. If someone holds her hands she is starting to walk with support.   And all this in the past few days.  It's been crazy.

Baby J is also starting to eat a few solid foods.  She LOVES baby puffs and would much rather have that.  She does ok with some stage 3 food that we have tried and she enjoys real green beans.   So far that is about the only real food she does pretty good with, though she did eat a chip the other day (oh I guess she does eat crackers).   It's amazing how much she can do with that mouth and without any teeth---they still haven't come in.   We are also practicing more often using a sippy cup.  So far we have only found one she can sort of use...but at least she sometimes will hold it.
Overall still a very happy baby, slowing starting to add a variety of noises and sounds.  She's not a big fan of being at rehearsals, but we are almost done...two more weeks.  Part of that is because she thinks sleep is overrated.  Baby J would much rather be allowed on the floor and not contained in anything.   She's such a good baby.  I can't wait till summer when I can spend time with her more.  


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