Watching Othello |
Today Baby J had her 15 month checkup...finally a checkup that did not include shots. Yea! I went with a big list of concerns this time, though all probably minor. She is now 18 lb 13oz (only a few ounces bigger than a couple months ago), 31 inches long, and a head circumference of 44 cm. She is in the 71% for height for her adjusted age...she is going to be tall. The doctor was really impressed with her vocabulary (even if she refuses to say it all the time) and Baby J even said Thank You while she was in there. I mentioned her reaction to Pumpkin and the doctor said since there wasn't a respiratory reaction, she didn't feel we needed to do a confirmation test since I already know.

We also discussed the milk issue- I was told I needed to cut off the formula supply-which didn't surprise me, but was told it's ok not to give her milk. She was surprised at what I was saying, but said she can have almond or soy milk instead and when I said I would try again later she said it would be best to wait till after she was 3 years old. Which is fine, I can tell a huge difference in her when she is off milk. Even when Baby J is tired, it's not as bad when she hasn't been on milk.

The doctor also found a nodule behind her ear and said at this point it wasn't concerning and that we would just watch it. Over all Baby J had a very good check up and impressed the doctor. However we are now going to see an endocrinologist (a hormone doctor). I've never shared this, but Baby J has always had rather large breasts- the doctor said it was because it was leftover estrogen from her mother and had been saying as long as they didn't grow and she didn't show any other puberty signs it wasn't a problem. Today she said that she was waiting till her 1 year adjusted birthday and since they haven't shrunk, we need to test her hormones/thyroid. The doctor also said that could be what causes the mood swings and stomach problems she's been having. Hopefully it will be nothing..but I'm glad to make sure.

Baby J did two new things today while at the doctor...she finally scribbled on paper and she took her

diaper off. Just sat right down and ripped it off like a stripper ripping his pants off. She also had her first injury from another kid today. Lol it was a big day.
Currently we are in rehearsals for the school musical and Baby J loves being there this year. She likes interacting with the kids and running all over the stage. She has also figured out how to climb up into her stroller and enjoys going up and down the stairs...both are a little scary for the rest of us.
In the past couple of weeks, we have had time to play with friends, gone to Othello (which Baby J sat all the way through and even watched parts of), gone to a parade, and stopped at a petting zoo. I love spending time with baby girl and while I sometimes wish my job took up less time, I'm glad she can come with me in the evenings. This weekend is moving day for us and I'm so ready mentally for the move, though I feel broker than broke and am not sure it's the right move. Please keep us in your prayers that some financial things will work out. Also remember you can still use my Amazon link to do your shopping...Help us pay off
the money we still owe for the adoption. :-)