Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Happy 1 year Baby J...Again

Baby J is officially at the adjusted age of 1 year or basically in her case 15 months (technically I think she hits 1 year next week---but we say 3 months difference)

helping the dog tear up things
This past month she really caught on to patty cake and do all the actions on her own.  She walks everywhere, barely crawls, started regular daycare, and is mimicking more sounds.   She has several words she can say and now throws epic tantrums.
She still loves the pool and water--had her first bubble bath today.  I wish we could go more to the pool.   She loves going to the zoo, especially the petting area..she isn't scared one bit of the goats.
She loves books and likes to be read to and to read to herself. She likes to annoy the dogs and her and Herbie have a contest to see who can sit on each other the most.  

Her laughs still make me laugh and she is ticklish everywhere.  She now has two teeth (though one still is not far out), but hasn't let just two teeth stop her from eating most everything.  
She likes to steal phones and has even been known to record herself on them.   She likes playing with all the high school kids and is learning to share.   This past month I have even seen her pretend play with her kitchen dishes.  
It amazes me how far this little one has come and how well she is doing.    Not much scares this child and she is becoming more outgoing everyday.  She jabbers constantly.  
Sometimes she drives me a little crazy...she loves her momma and climbs on me constantly,  and most my friends have pretty much jumped ship, but I love her so much and I wouldn't want it any other way.   And even though things have been rough lately, I can't imagine life without her anymore and I'm so lucky to have her in it.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the updates. May our good Lord bless your little family!
