She fell in the tub while trying to get some toys |
Overall Baby J continues to be on track with everything and overall healthy. She have a constant cold we can't seem to over come, but did have about a week where she felt really good. Some of this is from teething I think (finally a 5th tooth popped through today) and some from an underdeveloped respiratory system and teeny tiny airways...Though she has been on antibiotics for it and a round of steroids, we haven't seen much worse. I especially know how lucky we are since we do not hibernate and she is exposed to everything and has been since day 1 at home. Baby J is still scheduled to have her iron checked again and still has an
not a pacifier (gave that up at 7 months) it's a music symbol. |
I love this stage of childhood. It's so much fun watching her gain her personality and she learns something every day. Her vocabulary is soaring though she still doesn't show much of it outside of our house...Lately she has been copying the end of every one of my sentences. Today she even said "Cover me up" at nap time. She also is still climbing on EVERYTHING. And she can get out of every seat belt except for her carseat. So some fun quirks and personality bits about Baby J.
-She is obsessed with trying to get her shoes on and we spend at least a half an hour every night trying. I always have to eventually just put them up.
-She gets mad if I don't let her help me unload the dishwasher.
-If I would let her, I believe she would brush her teeth all day long.
-She loves to feed and play with the puppy.
-She insists that she get to take her dirty diapers to the trash.
-She absolutely loves to sing and dance
-She can now reach the doorknobs well and locked me out of the house today -thankfully 1 of our 3 doors was unlocked. Unfortunately it was the back door and it's pouring out today and cold.
I had some cute other things but now can't remember them.