Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

our first time being in the snow
turning and falling down is the new game 
Well it's a new year and it was Baby J's 2nd New year---which she stayed awake for again.  In fact while she did take a later nap yesterday---she was up until we got home at 2:30am this morning.   The rest of the family kids were out not much after midnight but not baby J.  

we tried this at the did not go well
Playing with cousin's toys
I was so proud of her last night.   As many know, she loves me very much and often cries when I'm not the one holding or playing with her.   Part of that is sensory overload I think in social situations...but last night she was social with everyone, played with her cousins, and interacted with everyone at some point.  This is a huge leap from what she has been doing lately and I was so very excited that she was showing the family what she truly is like most of the time.  She didn't use all her words but she babbled and did use many.   A lot of that is because she is finally feeling better.  
Playing more and more with the dog
Poor Baby J has had a pretty constant cold for a couple months.  We
1st popcorn (and yes I know
she shouldn't have it)
went again to the doctor and this time she found ear infections and ok'd more for the nebulizer.   After a couple days of antibiotics, we did start her on some sort of liquid steroid.  Finally I'm starting to see my fun crazy little girl.   She has even been showing off for others.  I hope we can avoid starting the cold over in the coming weeks, but I'm sure it's inevitable for her to get it again..I'm just glad the doctor gave us stuff this time.   I wish she would understand my fears of not letting the breathing problems get to far...we have stayed out of the hospital and getting anything too severe and I would like to keep it that way (and yes I know anyone reading this is probably thinking...haha you are never home to keep away from illnesses and I know)  She is majorly chewing on things again so maybe she will get another tooth - we currently still only have 4.

loves trying to put on shoes
Baby J's vocabulary is skyrocketing and especially when at home says a lot and copies almost everything.  And we barely cry or fight being dropped off at daycare now and is quite chatty when I pick her up.   I've kept her in there during part of break so we don't have to start over...and it was honestly nice to do a couple of things on my own...I even got to spend time with some friends without our kids.  I haven't really spent much time away from Baby J unless it's for work and a couple of times to go see a play and one night my parents kept her over night so it was awesome to have some non school work time.   And I still had over a week with her with the weekends and days the daycare was closed...not to mention the evenings.   We have my nephews here this weekend and we have been having a lot of fun with them.  Which by the way my daughter is CRAZY in the pool....every time she gets braver and braver.  Yesterday she was jumping in from the side and now climbs the play set and gets on the slide on her own...which is a little scary - especially when she flips down wrong though not much scarier than her climbing over EVERYTHING!

Not a fan of Santa
So 2017 is off to a great start and I'm so lucky to have another year to start with my baby girl.  I'm looking forward to this year and watching her grown more and more and to see how much closer she gets me to a permanent place at the loony bin.  I hope everyone else has a lovely start to the year and that you each get all you want and need as we face this year.   PS don't forget to use my amazon link. :-)
 Christmas Time!


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