Saturday, May 14, 2011

The First of Many to come....

Well I officially got my first..."you're doing what" response from my closest friend no less.   She gave me a look that said...."Are you totally freakin' crazy"   Not very encouraging when it come from a friend...and one who is supposed to fill out a reference for me.   Which she says she didn't get.   arg.    Oh well I might as well get used to it.     However I know this is the right decision.  This weekend I'm at a wedding of a friend where I totally had a breakdown....mostly because of a photography issue (I thought I was a photographer...long story and not really of value here)  and partly because I think it hit me this friend was getting married, before I could even get a date.........though I love her to death and now I feel like the worst friend in the world for having the was during pictures.   I spent a lot of the time playing with the little kids.  I really want one so I know my decision is right

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