Thursday, May 19, 2011

Glimmer of Movement

I finally emailed the lady who had first emailed me after I started this process.   She finally emailed back and said they had finally just two days ago gotten enough references (found out last night one friend still hasnt' sent it).   So we started discussing MAPP classes - they are a required 10 week class.  The only one they had started June 15 in a town that's about an hour I told her I had rehearsals and wasn't able to do evenings.   Now she's trying to get it to where I can do it with a smaller group/one on one.    AND it's only 7 weeks.

Other glimmer - my coworker talked with the guy who currently has a little foster girl at his house.  He did ask questions about who I was working with and said he'd like to talk to me.   :-))))   so maybe this can happen faster and quicker than I ever thought.   I dont' know.   The lady currently doing my information said well "there aren't really any kids 0-2, they are all 8 and above"  I told her I know...but for now that's really the age I want.   And honestly....I want that little girl.   So be thinking about a speedy and happy process.  I never see this guy so hopefully he will come talk to me when he's at my work place.  :-)  And hopefully not to bring bearer of bad news.  

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