Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm doing it anew!

This summer I've really branched out to change my life and do new things.  I'm working with a Shakespeare company in a nearby town (hurts with gasoline, but eh) and am about to finish the first show this weekend and have already volunteered to be involved in the next one.  I also have started this whole foster adoption process.   I've had my first meeting, my house was not as clean as I wanted it, and have been working hard on the first book and two stacks of papers.  
Today (well technically yesterday now)  I went to a Horse rescue place not far from here to have orientation for volunteering.   I spent almost 3 hours there and really enjoyed brushing and petting the horses.  I've always loved horses and wanted to e around them and hopefully this will work out.  And no matter how much I want to (which I already do)  I can't take a horse home.  :-)   Although many were very thin, almost all of them were not shy or jumpy.   Tonight I really spent most of my time with the shetland ponies/donkeys and one big horse.
Hopefully all these new things will work out.    I'm excited about these new activities.  

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