Monday, July 29, 2013

I think I'm the worst blogger in the world

I suck....I haven't blogged since I got my new foster kids...I did take in the two boys and it has been rough.   I spent all of the spring frustrated every night and crying every weekend.  The older boy (M) was out of control and therefore made me feel out of control.  Both boys had constant ear infections and between that and my mother's heart problems I missed a lot of school.  But I kept going.   Twice I sent an email asking for the boys to be removed and twice I somehow kept going with them.   And things minimally improved, except the youngest turned 2 and boy did he turn 2- his picture should be next to terrible twos definitions everywhere.   He is adorable and a pain.

A little more information to catch you up.   M who is now 3 has very out of control behaviors.  Extremely destructive, aggressive, and full of tantrums, and the main reason why this pair has been extremely difficult.  When he arrived at my house he was very limited in speech and only said about 4 things.   His behavior controled his life and he has no control over parts of it.   After several months I had enough and finally talked to the doctor.   Sadly we had to start medication.    A lot of M's behavior problems he can't control and it was very obvious.  After trial and error on several things we have finally gotten his meds under control which has made a huge difference.   We also started therapy.   M finally started to improve- he talks and sings now (though we definately have a speech problem- though he finally stopped stuttering), he can be taken into public- doesn't run anymore, has stopped destroying my house and become less aggressive.  Part of that turn was meds, part was ear tubes, and part was an absense of parent visitations.   three weeks ago- I thought things were going well - he was becoming more typical 2/3yr old- which is amazing because our early ed put him on about an 18-24 month range for most things not long after I got him.   Then visitations started and we spiraled back into behaviors that we had under control.

The youngest (E), turned 2 recently and boy is he a 2yr old.  He is smart and likes to figure out things and has a look for everything.    He's very cute but copies a lot of his brother's behaviors which makes it difficult when they are both causing problems.

This post just skims the top of my life for the past 7 months as I forgot to keep updates.  It has been a rough and challenging experience.  I do have a lot more to update, but I'll write more posts later.  
I'm going to attach some non identifying pics here.

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