Monday, July 29, 2013

It's not all Bad

I just reread the post I wrote this morning and realized it sounds like everything is bad.  Not true.  So I'm going to take a few minutes to say a few good things.  I have had M & E for almost 7 months now. I have watched them learn to talk, become confident, learn to hug and be touched without fear, to laugh and have fun.   They are both smart boys and love to figure things out.  M wants to be helpful and will help around the house.    I've seen him be calm, behave, and sit still....all things he couldn't do when he came.   His language keeps multiplying and he can ask questions and seeks to know what things are.   E will tear apart something just to figure out how it works.  He can sit and play on his own and build with blocks for a long time.   Both boys have grown to love the water and have some swimming skills. They both have grown into little boys that can communicate their needs and wants.   When E came I believed he could talk some (he wasn't 2 yet so a lot of words probably wouldn't be present), however he was quiet.  He never made much noise and never tried to talk.   He has opened up and now not only does he talk constantly---he does so for everyone.  For the longest time his case managers didn't think he could.   He also loves to sing!
Both boys love daycare and love learning.    June was a really good month.   Although we definitely still saw 2yr old behavior from both boys was typical behavior..not the extreme I had seen all spring.  Sadly once parent visitations started again after a 6 week furlow, behaviors went rapidly downhill.  It always saddens me how a child so young can already be so damaged and from their own family.    But enough of that for this post.
I love kids during these ages to watch them learn about the world around them and to see their firsts - so I have loved getting to do this with 8 kids over the past year.   Some major changes are coming though and I will update on those later.    Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.

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