Friday, October 10, 2014


I guess I haven't really written on here for a long.  Mainly because absolutely nothing has happened.  I was not chosen a couple of times, I believe this week I'm going for number 9 of turn downs.
Last week my home study was updated and I met my new case worker.  I really liked her and she seemed to like me a lot.  She was very complimentary about all I've done and said she wants to get me a baby.  I told her how disappointing the last year has been.  We talked a lot about my experience with foster care.   I do feel like she has a better grip on children than my last case worker.  I also told her I chose KCSL because of the communication and since the last caseworker quit the communication has been lacking.  Hopefully it will increase.   
I have also tried to reach out to a maternity home in Wichita--only to be told I need to attend an informational meeting.  They are going to have another one in November - exactly when I can't go.  They basically work with birth mothers and then the adoption still goes through the agencies or a lawyer.   I told my caseworker about the place and thought it might be a good outreach for them.   I'm a little frustrated that the maternity home won't consider working with me now.  Their face book page said they still had 3 mothers with no matches (including a set of twins- which yes I still would gladly take)  I dropped off some clothes at this maternity place and talked to the lady who ran it, but it was a very brief conversation.  She did tell me KCSL had reached out to them in the past week so I guess I did influence that.   
So it's still a waiting game.  I'm now going on 3 1/2 years since I started the process to adopt.  And in the meantime everyone around me is pregnant or having babies... while they are adorable- it's a little sad for me.
Hopefully this will be my year---though I'm trying hard not to focus on it.  My job currently is keeping me very busy and I'm trying to focus on that.

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