Sebastian and Baby J |
Today baby J is 5 months old (and 10 weeks adjusted). She is 8 lbs 14oz (possibly a tiny less cause she hasn't been eating as well) She smiles a lot and talks a lot more. She's adorable as always. Hopefully we will start to see some more development in what she is doing soon.
Sadly though she has also been living with her first cold (her cousin shared it with her). It has been miserable watching her be miserable. She has this sad little cry and horrible sounding coughing. Thursday Grandma and Grandpa watched her and I felt miserable that I didn't stay home with her. Because I'm at a new job I have ver limited days I can use (and actually it doesn't increase like my last job over the years) That is the one thing I miss about my last job. I had over 160 hrs saved up and lost them all. This new
Herbie and Baby J |
job - which I wouldn't give up- doesn't let you roll over hours/days. In fact it's half a day or a full day and nothing between which is sad. But I've gone off track of my topic. I'm so grateful for my parents and all they are doing to help out. I felt bad as a parent and she was feeling worse by thursday night and with stuff going on elsewhere, I decided to stay home on Friday. I even canceled rehearsal Thursday which I feel extremely bad about - I rarely cancel rehearsals and I've canceled a lot lately. I know as a single parent, I'm just going to have to learn to deal with some of these feelings and be thankful I have the help. However I'm glad I stayed home. I think this weekend is the longest time we've spent together alone and at home since Baby J came home.
Sebastian and Baby J- He doesn't usually curl up with her |
Yesterday was full of puking and crying and sleeping. I went through 5 outfits and Baby J went through 3. Thankfully today she has smiled some again, kept most of the food she has eaten down (though she is taking in a lot less) and seems to be feeling a little better. Her poor cough and cry are still sad, but happen less and at times she sounds almost healthy. Our last 48 hrs have consisted of:
- a lot (A LOT) of laundry
- sleeping a lot - ok well at least the baby is sleeping
- running the shower - we have awesome hot water in our apartment
- filling the humidifier constantly
- cleaning up the furniture, the floor, the baby, the dogs, the toys, the wall from all the puking
- reading books- Baby J got her first free book in the mail
- baths for baby- lots of baths
- catching up on the hulu list
- catching up on Netflix
- holding and rocking baby girl
- trying to clean a little bit between puking and holding.
- loving on the baby- cause I never get enough time to do that
- feeling very blessed to finally have a little baby.

If we can just make it 2 more weeks we will be done with our show for now and have a lot more evening free time. It's been a crazy ride with moving and starting a new job and having a new little one...but I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm so lucky to have Baby J in my life and we are sort of surviving. I am looking forward to having a few weeks of home time in the evening. Hopefully this cold will pass quickly and not get worse- I do have some fear of that with her being so small.

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