We are preparing for the cold by trying to stay in more. My family is awesome and this is my really busy long long days at work and they have been helping keep Baby J at home all day. It not only keeps her away from my germ infested students, but it has been helping focus on the show. My days this week are about 13-15hrs and it has not been fun to be away from Baby J so much, but I'm very glad she has awesome family. Yesterday Baby J received her first booster of Synagis This is something she will get every month until March to help combat RSV. RSV is a respiratory infection that could actually be deadly for Baby J if she gets it and guarantees a revisit to the hospital. Hopefully this booster will help her avoid getting it or keeping it very mild. Everyone can get RSV, but it's very dangerous for small babies. She qualified because of her birth weight. The nice thing is that she is now getting weighed monthly and it's done by home health so we don't go somewhere to get it. Yesterday she weighed in at a whopping 9lb 5oz. She's getting quite big now.

In other good news, Baby J is sleeping through the night. She started late this past. So at 10.5 weeks adjusted (5 months) Baby girl is sleeping at least 7-8hrs and up to 9. She usually tries to wake up at 4am but I can usually get her to go right back to sleep and if not feed her and then she goes back to sleep. She is also sleeping in her bassinet instead of the rock and play at night. I could move her to her crib now since she's sleeping so well, but she's still so tiny and not rolling both directions so I'm not to worried about the bassinet.

This would make a wonderful book Cassie!
ReplyDeleteI love reading about you and Baby J