Happy 6 month's Baby J. It's hard to believe that Baby J is now 6 months. Current weight 10 lb 3 oz (only 3% for a 3month old- but hey she's growing quite nicely and she's still on the charts) Height 23 inch (26 %) That's a 2.5 inch growth in 2 months. And a head circumference of 38cm (12%).
Baby J is starting to babble constantly, be awake more during the day (pretty much narrowing it down to about 2 naps on average) and sleeping well at night. She LOVES music, can sit assisted, and is grabbing toys now. She is following and focusing really well with her eyes. She loves to talk with Herbie and he has become closer to her. Baby J is also working on fine tuning the art of manipulation and I believe has it down very well with Grandma. :-)
Overall healthy and happy. I think the Doctor is still a little impressed by how well she is doing. She asked 4month visit questions today (since Baby J is 3 months adjusted) and she is doing all of them. The doctor did say we need to wait another month before starting food.
Today was the first time I really got overwhelmed by the cost of a baby. Dr. prescribed a new medicine for reflux and to help stop the spitting up. Went to the pharmacy and because Baby J is now on my insurance I got the sticker shock price of $275. A little out of my price range for an acid reflux med. While baby J is spitting up still, her current medicine has stopped it from hurting her and she is still gaining weight. Apparently despite the fact that I now pay over $700 for insurance every month, I still have extremely large deductibles. I will NEVER understand insurance and the medical stuff- but it does remind one why so many people struggle in the states. After having a little mini breakdown over this (especially knowing that I now will have to probably pay full price for her synagis shot (the one for RSV), the doctor called and we have changed our approach at least for the acid reflux. She is going to up her current medicine until Baby J does start eating regularly and then I can do OTC Prilosec and just break the capsules and give her part. WAY WAY cheaper. Of course when I have to pay full price for the synagis this will all have been in vain. And I am fully aware how blessed we are that this is the only health thing we are dealing with. And I know I shouldn't complain.
Part of the problem is my insurance runs December through November...but my deductible runs the calendar year. Yes this makes absolutely no sense. But for today, the problem is solved. Poor Baby J has been sleeping since we got home. She got 4 shots today. :-( Not fun. And she was asleep when they were given so that was a shock to her. I tried to wake her up before hand, but she was so tired.

On Saturday, my friend took pictures of her and I so I had a few decent pics. I then came home and took 6 month/christmas pics of Baby J. She is adorable and I'm so lucky to be her mommy. She is the best thing ever and even with the financial stuff- I love her to pieces and I'm so glad she is in my life. I am looking forward to the Christmas season with a child. I learned a few years ago how different Christmas season is with a kid and it is so much more fun. While this year it won't phase her much, we have many more years to look forward to and that is awesome.

I am thrilled to pieces to see how she's grown and how wonderful she looks. Bless you for all the challenges you've faced during this journey. I admire you so much and wish you the very best in life - for you and your precious Baby J. Love and best wishes for a blessed Christmas.
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