I'm not sure how we got to this point, but Baby J is already 18 Months and so much has changed in just the last month. It always amazes me how fast babies learn and Baby J is no exception as she is learning at record rates. And perhaps it amazes me more so since at one point we didn't even know if she would be around or what problems we might face. Please don't take me talking about my child as bragging or in anyway saying she's better than others...I'm just always so amazed by her and I use these blogs to do her photo books from since I'm never up to date on them...though I am caught up to August on those (that is a brag)
playing in the puddle |

So at 18 months, baby girl weighed 20lbs even today, 31.7 inches tall (which is like 86% for her adjusted age) and is developmentally where she should be for her real age, if not even further on some things. She is now in 12 month clothing...mostly because of height. This month she started extreme climbing on everything, dancing every time she hears music, loves doing patty cake and itsy bitsy spider (which is so cute) and even says part of patty cake now. Today she figured out how to use the microphone on her toy piano at my parents house--she loves playing the piano. Her language has exceeded any expectations and I was curious last week so I started a list of words she can say well
and has said consistently and came up with 30+ words and she repeats a lot more and mumbles even more than that. She even has a few phrases every once in a while. She absolutely LOVES the word Puppy and is about the only word you are guaranteed to always hear. Some books are "puppy, puppy, the puppy, puppy" even if there is no puppy in it. And yes she does know what a puppy is. It's fun hearing her say it. She also is very good about saying Thank You and rather enjoys saying that as well. She also is starting to say please when she really wants something. She still very much loves books, but would much rather read it herself.
Baby J still loves the pool and blows bubbles -now very loudly- every time she is in the water and has even started to put her head down under on her own . Last week she discovered how much she loves the slide at the pool as well. I'm pretty sure the lifeguards worry I'm trying to let my child drown. She also loves pop/water bottles. She likes to take the lid off and put it back on...well actually she likes doing that with any container but the bottle is her favorite. She tries to figure out how things work and go together....especially belts which can not hold her in anything but the carseat now.
Helping cook Thanksgiving lunch |
Baby J has now been in her new daycare for a little over a month
and she seems to be doing pretty good. I hate that it is so chaotic in the morning there and they are a little disorganized, but over all things seem to be going well. I have noticed that she is more willing to play with other kids...but that may be her growing up too. Unfortunately she has landed ill again an has been sick most of the last month and is miserable this week, but currently still a cold this time around. Winter is going to be long. My daughter is extremely adorable and I love being around
Getting pretty good at using a fork,
and insists on using one for everything |
her...well when she is in a good mood and happy, but night time has become a nightmare. Her poor legs bother her so much at night, like screaming and crying pain and nothing seems to help. Being sick and not being able to breath is making night time even worse...so for the past couple weeks I haven't really gotten much sleep and neither has she. The doctor says its just growing pains---despite the fact she has them every single night and has actually had problems since she was little. I figured out it started to get worse once we removed the formula and since she has been anemic before and Iron could cause it, I requested today that her iron be checked and after being told it was just checked 9 months ago and fine, it was still checked and it was low and under normal range. Why does it seem like going to the doctor only works if you self diagnose before going...they seem to have no real interest in actually helping anyone figure out true causes to anything. It's very frustrating. Hopefully a multivitamin with iron will help solve some of her problems...we still have an appointment in February to check hormones too. Next week she goes for her NICU follow up so that will be fun.

We survived another show together (thankful for family that helped out especially when while Baby J was really sick the week before the show. yeah its going to be a really long winter). We love our new place still and someday I may get it all unpacked and organized.. I got part of that done during Thanksgiving break, but still have a ways to go. Baby J is still as adorable as ever and has quite the personality. She is very sassy and enjoys being silly and doing opposite of what is asked of her. She follows instructions well when she isn't being silly. Her laughs make me laugh and I love watching her grow up. I'm excited for Christmas this year with her and have even decorated some. She really likes the Christmas trees. I hope we can find a place and a warmer day to go look at lights as she likes them so much and gets so excited. We can't really drive through them as I'm not sure she can see them from her seat --she is in a bigger seat now, but it still doesn't really give her much view out the window.
thank you to everyone who has continued to support us in all sorts of ways. Please keep Baby J in your prayers over the winter to stay healthy enough to avoid major illnesses and patience for me as we deal with no sleeping and sick moods. BTW if you are shopping at Amazon, don't forget to use the link on the side as I still get a small percentage from the website and I am still paying off thousands for the adoption. Baby J and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and get to spend time with your own families.
Below is how Baby J believes the high chair should be used. I want to take it down to be a table and chair which it can be, but right now my dog is to mean at meal times so that will happen when I finally get my dining room table here-it's in the back of a shed- then Baby J can sit at the table and this will be her table/chair for playing at. Silly girl, I do try to get her to stop.

She's been blowing bubbles (also one of her favorite words) in the tub |