Monday, September 26, 2011

What to do.

I've hit a delimna.   Nighttime with Boy.  He won't go to sleep.  he's been sleeping on the couch a lot lately.  I get so frustrated.
Also today was rough.  Girl bit Boy and left a lovely mark.  I've been trying so hard to keep the kids mark free for fear of retaliation of parent or social services...though they are bound to have marks.  Girl is just learning to walk and Boy is clumsy.   Also Boy had the biggest and hugest tantrum ever tonight at rehearsal.  He cryed so hard he made himself sick.   I don't know why either.  He won't answer yes or no questions so it's hard to get information from him.
I guess tomorrow I'll call my FSW and find out about the bite.   ack.
Tomorrow will be better...right.  It has improved there are just moments....

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Getting Better

Things dramatically improved since the last post.  In fact that night they slept better and have done much better sleeping most nights.   I've changed daycares and feel better about the new one.    they are adorable, just can be cranky.  The kids at school love playing with them and it wears them out which is good.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Change can Happen fast!

It has been almost a week since I became a 'mom'.   And it has been crazy.  Boy and Girl are not the well behaved children they seemed at first and can throw a tantrum like none other.   They are extremely adorable when they are in a good mood.   And night time has become harder and harder every night.  
Now I'm not saying I can't handle this all but it is a drastic change especially with two.  Last Thursday we looked into a daycare and found one (or so I thought).  I plan to change to a different one if I can get brave enough to tell the current one.  She wanted it all up front and now I'm poorer than ever.   We also spent time with my 18yr old cousin that led us to going to wichita - mainly because Boy needed to sleep and I thought the car ride would help.  My aunt met us and this ended up in a shopping trip and dinner and another late night...but she bought some cute clothes and we ended up with a stuffed dinosaur that Boy loves!  Friday was even crazier as my family came to my house and we proceeded to go to the zoo.  Boy gets along pretty well with my Nephew and they had a lot of fun playing this weekend.  It was an interesting mess with it also being the last weekend of the Shakespeare show.  I am lacking on sleep and this is not unusual for me, but it's rough when both kids are up screaming most of the night.  Last night was extremely rough as they visited their Mom and caused them to be confused.  Tonight both kids are asleep though and were by 10:30 (Girl much earlier) and Boy went to sleep without much crying.  Yea! ME.   Girl has to cry herself to sleep.  It was shorter tonight.   I know part of it is they have such different   sleeping arrangements here.   I'm amazed at how well they are doing for all the changes in their life.  I don't think I'd be doing so well.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My life is like the Weather

This morning I got up, spent part of the day thinking about how I needed to clean before my inspection next week and not real sure where I was going to find time with rehearsals, show, Landon coming and work.   For the most part is was a pretty normal day.   And then the phone call came.   Around 4:30 this evening I got a call from the foster place asking me to take not one, but two kids.   This phone call is how I found out my temporary license came through.  Ages 1 and 2.  And I said yes.  I had to rush and get two car seats, a toddler bed (thank goodness the crib was already together), food, and necessities.   By 7:30, the kids were here.  Boy and Girl.  And they came with nothing, but the outfit they had and one other.  Thank God for my parents who when I called came and helped me go shopping and welcome the kids.   My dad put the bed together while my mom and I took the kids back to walmart to find some clothes.  I think I spent $700 today.  There is the big downfall of not having kids, having them myself I would have been gifted everything.
It has been a whirlwind of an evening.  The caseworker was only here for about 1/2 and hour and then left.  Both kids are happy and well behaved kids with LOTS of energy.  My parents didn't leave till late and the walmart trip went late and both were still going when we returned home.   Night time was a little rough.  Girl after crying awhile fell asleep, but Boy refused.  I rocked him in the living room till he fell asleep.  Thankfully he didn't wake up when I put him in his bed.  It's now 2am and I'm exhausted.  Tomorrow, or rather today, I have to figure out daycare.   This should be interesting.   I can't believe I now have two foster kids.  This should be fun.  :-)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Moving Along and hopeful

I'm still waiting on information for my fostering.  Getting through this fostering process is a huge waiting game.  I haven't heard anything and feel ti should have occurred.  I've slacked on house cleaning because of all the rehearsals and school starting.   I did last night email my case worker to find out what was happening.  I also asked in the email about finding out about that little girl.  I do want to know about her and would gladly take her.   I think the chance of getting a small baby is slim anyway and she's still young.   I would like to get that moving though if it's a possibility.  I spent part of today with friends and kids and I really want kids.
update:  I got an email back that said not to worry that I haven't heard about my license.  My case worker is going to look into finding out about the little girl.   :-)