Monday, September 5, 2011

Moving Along and hopeful

I'm still waiting on information for my fostering.  Getting through this fostering process is a huge waiting game.  I haven't heard anything and feel ti should have occurred.  I've slacked on house cleaning because of all the rehearsals and school starting.   I did last night email my case worker to find out what was happening.  I also asked in the email about finding out about that little girl.  I do want to know about her and would gladly take her.   I think the chance of getting a small baby is slim anyway and she's still young.   I would like to get that moving though if it's a possibility.  I spent part of today with friends and kids and I really want kids.
update:  I got an email back that said not to worry that I haven't heard about my license.  My case worker is going to look into finding out about the little girl.   :-)

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