Thursday, September 15, 2011

My life is like the Weather

This morning I got up, spent part of the day thinking about how I needed to clean before my inspection next week and not real sure where I was going to find time with rehearsals, show, Landon coming and work.   For the most part is was a pretty normal day.   And then the phone call came.   Around 4:30 this evening I got a call from the foster place asking me to take not one, but two kids.   This phone call is how I found out my temporary license came through.  Ages 1 and 2.  And I said yes.  I had to rush and get two car seats, a toddler bed (thank goodness the crib was already together), food, and necessities.   By 7:30, the kids were here.  Boy and Girl.  And they came with nothing, but the outfit they had and one other.  Thank God for my parents who when I called came and helped me go shopping and welcome the kids.   My dad put the bed together while my mom and I took the kids back to walmart to find some clothes.  I think I spent $700 today.  There is the big downfall of not having kids, having them myself I would have been gifted everything.
It has been a whirlwind of an evening.  The caseworker was only here for about 1/2 and hour and then left.  Both kids are happy and well behaved kids with LOTS of energy.  My parents didn't leave till late and the walmart trip went late and both were still going when we returned home.   Night time was a little rough.  Girl after crying awhile fell asleep, but Boy refused.  I rocked him in the living room till he fell asleep.  Thankfully he didn't wake up when I put him in his bed.  It's now 2am and I'm exhausted.  Tomorrow, or rather today, I have to figure out daycare.   This should be interesting.   I can't believe I now have two foster kids.  This should be fun.  :-)

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