Friday, March 9, 2012

Incorrect Information

Today I had appointments all set for the doctor and when we got there I didn't have one form that they needed.  Nor did they list it in the items I needed to bring.  I was frustrated.  Especially since I really want to get them in before they both starve themselves to death.   R won't eat anything but crackers and water, though I can get him to eat pizza sometimes.   G refuses to touch solid food (though last night we had a break through and he put a cracker in his mouth).    I offered to bring the form later or to run and get it, but noooo they wouldn't let me.  The receptionist wasn't very friendly.  
Yesterday was the first visit with their mom.   I guess poor R had a hard time leaving and cried a lot at daycare.   He was extremely hyper at rehearsal last night and ran around and around.   It's getting harder to leave him at daycare as he crys every morning and begs to come with me.  I keep reminding myself though it's only the first full week and it will get better.   G is starting to not be held constantly and I'm holding him less and less through rehearsal time, he's playing with the kids more.  I'm so glad it's Friday and a weekend.

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