Saturday, March 3, 2012

Round 3...oops I think I forgot to write about round 2

So as I look at the blog I realize I pretty much fail at keeping it updated.   2 weeks ago I got a phone call for a 18 month old for emergency care.   (Actually I'm still not entirely sure what his age was).  He was adorable.   He showed up at 5am on a Friday morning and I was up all night as they called at 11:30pm.   I really enjoyed him, especially after he was there for awhile.  He loved to sing or rather hum along with songs, and actually was very 'talkative' when we were alone.   Apparently a child can only be in police custody for 3 days, but that doesn't include weekends or holidays - which it was.   I was hoping he would be able to stay with me.  That evening I took him to the ER to get checked over (which now I'm trying to get the bill solved) and we had an enjoyable weekend.   On Wednesday of the next week they called me and said they were on the way to pick him up, he had been transfered to SRS custody.   i tried so hard to get them to leave him with me, apparently he ended up having a 2yr old sister, both of which I could take and the poor kid was tramatized enough.  He was picked up and taken away screaming and reaching for me.  That was horrible and made me instantly want to quite it all.   I even called my case worker to try to get her to help, but never heard back from her.  
This experience made me very bitter for a few days, I felt so bad for that child.  I swore off the system and really considered if I was doing right by being involved.  I had made the decision that I will not be doing emergency care anymore- especially during the school year.   I kept really thinking about completely withdrawing myself, but at the same time I know I'm good with the kids and I love having the little ones around.  As I was debating this still a week later, I received a call to take in two kids, ages 1 and 3.   I said ok.   So again I'm out buying supplies and clothes and have taken in two kids I know nothing about.  They are two boys and come with some development problems and so far it's been interesting.   They came on Wednesday which seems to be the magic day for changes- thankfully I no longer have a church job to contend with on Wednesdays.    I'll save the beginning of our time together for another entry, as this has gotten long....and well I'm exhausted and going to bed.   This will be the first time before midnight in the last few days.
Goodnight world.

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