Friday, March 30, 2012


Yesterday marked a month of the boys being in my house.   Although there are still some problems I've seen some great improvements in the past month.  Baby G is eating baby food, some solid snacky baby food, and is cutting back on formula.  He plays a lot more, throws less fits, and loves to walk - though he still can't on his own (balancing is still hard).   He even has 3 words now - hi, bye, and kitty (even waves).   He laughs a lot more and is a cutie.   He had RSV last week but has almost completely recovered.  yea!   Though he did get me sick and I'm not recoving so well.

R has improved a bunch.   He talks all the time, throws very few no fits, plays with other people, leaves the room where i'm at and is starting to do a lot of things for himself.  I've even seen improvement in his speech already.  He's started eating more food that's put in front of him and is playing with brother more.   And last friday we stopped screaming and crying when he was dropped off at daycare.  Today he went with a different blanket....yippee.  Thankfully both boys sleep pretty well and even go to bed at a decent hour when we aren't at rehearsal.

Speaking of it's show weekend.  We've made it.  Thankfully though my family has helped out...last night my brother watched them.   I've felt bad that we haven't been in the house at all.   Overall things are going prettty good.  We still have a ways but it's improving so thats good.   Both boys are going to get some infant child developement help and that should start to make a world of difference.   And I got medicine yesterday (FINALLY- that's another story) so I'm starting to feel better.

I must say I enjoy having kids and I'm ok with fostering, but I do sometimes still wish very much that I could have my own kid.  It's especially hard when there are babies being born all around me.  Three friends have had one in the last week and there are still several more to come.  Oh well,. guess it's not in the plan.  :-(

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