Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Round 3 is interesting

So last Wednesday night I got a phone call for two boys.  1yr old G. and 3yr old R.   I said ok, waited and then they arrived.  It's amazing when they are brought as the case workers literally just drop them off and if you are lucky tell you a couple things about them.  In this case not only did the caseworkers have limited information, but their books were pretty empty too, with only their medical cards and referal.  The first night was rough as they were both confused and missing their mom.   I was a little worried that we would end up in the ER from starvation, as R refused to eat anything but crackers and cereal the first 48hrs and started puking the first full day.   Although very behind on speech, he's very cute and has made leaps and bounds since last week.  When alone, he copies everything I say.  He's started playing, is doing better in daycare, and eating.  Though still not eating extremely healthy, he is at least eating.  I can't get him to drink anything but water, which is strange.  
G is an interesting case, he has a flat head....it's weird...he was left in a car seat and on his back to much.   He is very very tiny and can fit in clothes that are 6-9 months.    Since he's come, he's eating baby food (I can't get him to eat real food), drinking some from a sippy cup - including some milk, cut back on formula. Most of the time he wants to be held and if he's not he'll follow me around crying like crazy, but he's starting to improve with that.  Tonight at rehearsal he only sat on my lap about 5 minutes total and was all over the place.  He pulls himself up to standing with furniture (still can't stand on his own - but he's trying)   I will be interested to see what happens at the doctors with him.  he's small, behind with everything, his head, and a leg that's turned wrong.
It's so sad that parents can ignore and not take care of their children.   I'm so glad to see some strides in the kids,, R even asked to go to bed when we got home from rehearsal.   We have a long, long ways to go on a lot of things.   I'm not looking forward to their first parent visit this week.  I'm sure that will send up into a whirlwind backwards.  Oh and the best thing ---once they get to sleep, they both sleep all night and even sleep in some!!!  No 5am mornings everyday anymore.

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