Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Out of Control

Ok so I've lasted about as long as I can.  The little girl in my care is out of control and lately we seem to be getting worse.  Over the weekend she was ultra violent and threw tantrums like crazy.  She grabbed an empty pop can and threw it at my brother's face.  It was so bad that we went to my parents so there was so more buffer to take her attitude.  The little boy cried constantly and is throwing tantrums.

Little girl is whiney and acts like a high pitched dog.  She touches others inappropriately (rubs her face on them or her mouth- and my brother it falls on a very inappropriate place.)  If you say no to her or remove something from her she goes into a massive screaming and sometimes kicking fit.    The last few days have included throwing items.  She absolutely does not stop doing things when asked and will say no over and over when she is asked.   Part of the problem is she refuses to take naps and she still very much needs them.  On the rare time that she is normal she has started to ask a lot of questions about what things are and can even have normal conversations.

Little boy is affected with hand mouth and foot disease and was able to return to daycare even with a few spots, but now little girl can't go because of two spots.  arg.   He has been fussy and whiney and throws tantrums when looked at.

I am so frustrated with myself because they are getting to me so bad.  I don't know what to do with them.  I think maybe they need to be moved, but I don't want to be the start of many homes and they are so little.   It's amazing how much they need in the way of guidance.  I keep hoping going  back to work this week will help me some.   I don't like myself with them.   I need to do better about staying calm and working with their moods.  I'm also waiting till their first court date to see when happens with little boy and his parent.   I'm not sure they will be kept together, but only time will tell.

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