Friday, August 17, 2012

And so it begins.....

So it really has come.  I have to share my baby.   B goes to stay his first weekend with his father.  It amazes me that the foster care system doesn't build up to extended stays, but as usual my opinion doesn't matter.   I started talking about it this mornign with the kids and I'm not sure how much they understood.   Life is going to rapidly start changing.   He's going to start being gone and then probably permantly and my schedule is changing with school back in.   This is going to be an interesting weekend.  I hope it goes well.
Yesterday the early education staff came to the house and both kids were the best they have been, absolutely no fits.  It was interesting to see.  They both almost acted like normal children.   To some length I'm happy about that, but in someway I wish they would have shown some of the challenges a little more.

School has started and life is much busier, I'm glad too.

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