Monday, July 30, 2012

Our First Road Trip

This weekend I took B & G on our first road trip.  We traveled with my parents and my brother.  During the trip we visited Legoland and an aquarium.  Legoland did not go so well.  Babies were tired and really it was for older kids.   They both loved the aquarium.   Overall the weekend was ok.  G though was close to being thrown out on the way home.  Everyone tired of her behavior.   I wish I could figure out how to get her to take naps.  She becomes so intolerable when she doesn't have one.   I can't believe she didn't fall asleep on the road, but nope (didn't want to miss anything).   l know when she came there was no way we could have done this, but I'm not entirely sure she was ready now.   I do see some improvements, but boy do we have a ways to go.   I ended up putting them in daycare today for a break and to get back into our normal schedule.   

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