Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Please, Thank you, and other manners

One of the things I try to do with my foster kids and well my school kids too, is to instill good manners.  This includes saying please and thank you.   G has refused to say please despite the fact I know she can.   It's almost as if she shuts down when you try to get her to say it.  Finally this past weekend though she started to use the word.  You have to remind her to say it, but she does.   She was already doing pretty well on using Thank you.  now we just have to get B to use it.
Today they had court and I guess it went odd.  their mom and family tried to get the court to move them out of here because "they get sick so much" - Not true they are in daycare so of course they are going to get sick.  B's dad is now going to get weekend visits every weekend.   And then a 30 day trial.  Yeah I don't think so.   That's not fair to me and not fair to G.   Either move him or don't.   I'm so frustrated over that.   I shouldn't have to put even more of my life on hold for a kid that isn't mine and because TFI is so dumb.  I don't think they really do anything for the kids sake.   And honestly if they are going to have extended visits then why does it always have to be the weekend?   Why not during the week- see if they can handle him while they work and stuff.   So stupid.   And to top it off this 30 day trial may mean I can't take other kids and they can just keep him at the end.  ridiculous.   And if he comes back, how is that helping G.  Their mom isn't keeping up on what she's supposed to be doing and I guess they threw a fit in court and almost got kicked out, blaming the situation on TFI and me.   Why do I put myself in all these frustrating situations.
Also I'm trying to redo my living room floor and that's ending in disaster.   Arg.  oh well.

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