Thursday, May 10, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

Tonight was my first experience as a parent at parent teacher conferences.  Yes it was at the daycare, but I was still the parent.  Both kids got excellent comments and both teachers gave me great compliments as well which was nice to hear after my day at work.  I've spent most of the week home with G, he's had a 101.7 fever most of the week and we visited the doctor twice.  Got some strong antibiotics and he returned back to daycare today and both returned back to visits with MOM.  
My day at work was frustrating.  I had whiney kids and today was one of those days I felt like the world was just running me over.  I know part of it is the end of the school year and the fact that the boys are leaving in a week.  Then after my day I went to get the kids and they were cranky.   I definitely saw some changes in returning from the visit today. It was like we had gone backwards to the beginning.  G was throwing his head against the floor and inconsolable crying.  R threw some tantrums as well.  
And of course MOM sent items back with them.  Frustrating.  
In other news, my own mother is getting a pacemaker put in tomorrow.  I will have missed 3 days of school this week and I'm sure my classes are feeling neglected.  Not by choice though did I miss at the beginning of the week.   I'm sure all will go well.  I was really surprised when I was on the phone tonight with my mom and saying I'm not sure if this fostering thing is going to work any longer, she said "you are a good mom"    That made my evening.
ON other bigger news, my good friend welcomed twin boys to the world today. I am so excited and hope since I will be near them tomorrow for my mom's surgery I can swing by and meet them.    I hope I can spend some time holding and loving them this summer.   They have three other brothers so I'm sure their momma will need the help.

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