Friday, May 4, 2012

Anger can not describe how I feel

Last night I received a call from R & G's worker stating the boys would be moved in 14 days to a family member that has come forward and passed all the background checks,etc.   Again it was a complete surprise and completely upsets me for several reasons (and just to clarify if they were going home it would be different)
First of all...just last week the Social worker said to me yes it would probably be long term and we discussed all the meetings that we had coming up for the boys.  I even discussed a trip to Colorado.   In my conversation with her I also told her I hoped they made sure mom was really ready when they do go home, because I'm not sure R would survive another move.   Not once did she say or even hint to the idea that they were looking at someone else to move them too.
Secondly...R & G have made huge strides with me and I'm not sure why they would want to break that at this point.  R is more social and is really doing well with emotions and handling things better.  We are even in the middle of potty training, which I now feel like is a waste of my time.    G is eating food finally and so close to walking.  He's happy most of the time and doesn't hit his head on the floor as much.  We have been working with the early ed here to get him on a plan with them and now all of it will go to waste.  
Thirdly why can't they be professional and let me know that they are looking at someone earlier.   It makes me feel incompatent and upsets me beyond believe.   Is there something I'm saying at the meetings with the social worker?   Is there something wrong with my house?  Did the boys say something?   I did ask if R was abused and last time this happened I asked if H was a drug baby.   Maybe I'm not really supposed to be an advocate for the kids, nothing else is like what they tell you.  
  Oh and did I mention the kids haven't even gotten to see their mom because of missed/not passed UA's.  (Drug tests)  Hey lets move the kids closer so they can't see her while they are there.   As one can tell I am very upset over this and angry.   I'm angry that she didn't tell me sooner of the possibility and that it's happening at all.   I want better information.

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