Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bubble Wrap + Toddler = days of entertainment

Who knew that bubble wrap could be such a source of entertainment, but G has played with it for days.   Even focused on it for awhile which is a big thing for her.   The past week has improved dramatically.  I don't feel like I need to call and have the kids moved out of my house.   Last week I begged that they get G some help and I still believe that she desperately needs it.   The day after that things changed.  We started having good moments.  G started curling up in my lap in the evening for awhile - at first still unable to sit still and then for longer moments.  I've found that if I put B to bed and spend some time with G, things are better.   In the past couple of nights, bedtime has even been better.  She goes in and at least sits in the bed now for the most part.   Daycare has reported things are better there too.  She's finally attaching and realizing she's ok.
As far as the behavior overall, we do have some problems still.  Sunday was a long day and didn't go real well.  Overall though for longer periods of time, things are better.   I can not get her to say please though for the life of me.  It's interesting.
School is fast approaching and I'm not sure how that will go, but I'm ready to go back...sort of.
Here's a pic from the pool the other day.

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